Category: Skin Types

Skin Types

Dry Skin – Nerida’s Comprehensive Guide

How do I tell if I have dry skin? Your skin will be dry to the touch, tight, lacking bounce and hydration, and will feel in constant need of nourishment. You’ll have no visible pores and no blackheads anywhere on your face.

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Skin Types

Combination Dry Skin – Nerida’s Comprehensive Guide

How can I tell if my skin is combination dry? Your skin will be mostly dry to the touch, with oily areas only around the nose and chin. Your pores will mostly be on the smaller size and your skin may feel in need of nourishment and protection.

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Skin Types

Combination Oily Skin – Nerida’s Comprehensive Guide

A combination/oily skin is more oily than dry. You’ll find blackheads on your forehead and inside a wide V-shaped area that extends downwards from under the eyes, across the nose and then narrows at the chin. Dry areas are only seen on the very outer part of the face and

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Skin Types

Oily Skin – Nerida’s Comprehensive Guide

An oily skin has blackheads all over the face: you’ll find them on your forehead, nose, chin, cheeks and even inside your ears. Blackheads are made up of bacteria, dead cells and sebum. It often also has pimples, both pustules – which have a whitish-yellow head and tend to be

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Skin Types

Do you understand your skin type?

Your skin type is the skin that you were born with. It’s important to understand what type you have – where you have oil activity and where you are dry – so you can make better product choices and put together the right home care regimen for you.

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